Contact Info
Ironwood, MI 49938
- Phone:
- 906-932-1330
- Phone 2:
- 906-932-0301
- Location:
- 18 Miles North of US2 on County 513
- Season:
- May to October
Excellent Fishing Opportunities, access to Lake Superior where charters are ready to take you out for an exciting day of trolling for lake trout and salmon. Steelhead can be found in the Black River itself below Rainbow Falls in the spring. You will find both salmon and steelhead (they come in for the salmon eggs) in the fall, about mid-September. In the river, simple gear works best, a bit of yarn cut short to resemble a salmon egg and soaked in scent works best. Use a couple of split shot to keep in near the bottom and drift through likely looking holes. Be prepared for the slightest tap then set the hook and hold on.
Brook Trout
Brown Trout
Lake Trout (Mackinaw)
Rainbow Trout
Steelhead Trout